Team Picture

Team Picture
Drilling Camp Rockland's Retty Lake Cu-Ni-PGM Property, Labrador Trough, Quebec June 2011

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Shaken and Stirred - By Josh Manchester

Excellent Article that provides much needed perspective on the Middle East during these times:

...Israel now has the chance to destroy Hezbollah. Only time can tell what Israel will do with the opportunity it possesses. Opportunities forsaken are opportunities lost forever, as MacArthur was sometimes rumored to say. But let there be no mistake: this moment would not have been possible without the invasion of Iraq, and the destruction of Hezbollah is very much in the interest of the United States and that of any other nation that abhors terrorism.


The 'big bang,' as invading Iraq has sometimes been called, was meant to reorder the nature of politics in the region. This has been accomplished in a fundamental way. The idea of dividing an enemy force into its constituent parts and then dealing with it piecemeal is at least as old as Caesar's actions in Gaul. It applies no less to US strategy in the Middle East. Every faction there has been made to reconsider its relationship with every other. Rather than there being a monolithic clash of civilizations, thus far the US is dealing with the area in pieces -- in whatever way it sees fit to do so -- whether making it tacitly clear to Syria that what happened in Iraq could more easily happen to it, or threatening Iran on behalf of the region and world, or seeking cooperation with the Saudis in hunting down al Qaeda.

...While the success of Iraq's democracy hangs in the balance from an operational perspective, the strategic advantages created by the invasion of Iraq are working very favorably for the US in the current Israeli-Lebanon crisis in very tangible ways...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Friday, February 24, 2006

Conservative Values should be considered thoughtfully by Gays & Lesbians

The ever masterful Mark Steyn has hit another home run in his recent article in the Western Standard, titled, "History swings both ways". The message I come away with is that Gays and Lesbians should be voting Conservative because it is conservative values that will stand up for everyones freedom of expression and beliefs and that Liberals can not be trusted to protect our rights.

In this article Steyn talks about a gay American who moves to Holland because he thought it would be more "open and tolerant than his uptight theocratic native land". But then he is driven back to America due to the "rising tide of gay bashing and other forms of homophobia from ever more culturally confident young Muslim men who now dominate urban life" in many European cities.

A question from Steyn:

"The question is whether Canada will prove more like the Continent and succumb to creeping Islamification or more like America and resistant to would-be encroachment? Which would you bet on?

Harper's 'eye on the prize'

Sean Gordon of the Star, has put together a terrific story on Harper's key moves these past 2 weeks. There is definetly a bigger picture to all that the PM does.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The maturation of the Canadian public

One of the best editorials of the post-election era, is from Father Raymond De Souza: The Corruption of Paul Martin

This article and this past election showed me that Canadians could sense something truly wrong with the Martin was the deep stench of corruption and lust for power. I feel that even after an election lost, Liberals still haven't learned their lesson.

Here is a terrific quote from De Souza:

"Vulgar corruption asks at what price a man can be bought, or at what price an office can be sold. The more pernicious corruption born of the lust for power acknowledges no price as too great to stay in office. As Martin descended from the noble heir apparent to the unprincipled king, Canadians began to see a man whose corruption was so deep that they lost their trust in him."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Media is not happy with going Cold Turkey

Looks like the MSM are unhappy with the lack of media availability of the Prime Minister. I think that Mr. Harper knows how he wants to handle the media, and will no longer cater to a liberal media that has worked so many years to tear him down. Looks like the constant "spin" that the media has been used to from the former government, is now over. Looks like the MSM crowd will have to go cold turkey.

Another good comment on this matter.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

My Latest post on the Globe & Mail

My Post

"I love reading all of the Liberals (Libs) postings on this topic. Every one here thinks that Prime Minister Harper is all 'washed up' after week one. It seems like the Libs on this thread don't have enough blood going their brains. The blood flow must of slowed down after they saw the deconstruction of the Liberal Party and the destruction of their beloved saviour Paul Martin. I guess I have to remind wishful thinking Libs that Mr. Harper has been the most successful politican of the last five years in Canada. His ability to unite the right and now win the highest office in the land has been an acheivement that no-one could of imagined just five years ago. If Libs honestly think that the new PM is another Joe Clark or Kim Campbell then I think the Conservative Party will be in power for a long time to come. Gosh, we don't have to go back that far to remember the last group of Libs that underestimated Mr. Harper. It was Mr. Martin and the entire Liberal brain trust. And where are they now? Arrogance of Liberal supporters will never end, and that makes it very funny!"

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Liberals have handed the ball to NDP MLAs to do their dirty work.

Looks like the over exuberant NDP of BC thinks it can send Van-Kingsway into the NDP column by raising some partisan "noise". I don't think so ;-) Watched a clip of the rally and it looks like the same old dipper crowd.

Wonder if there was any hemp popcorn being handed out?

Media Bias Still Working Over Time

Couldn't of said it better myself. Posted by "Mitch" on AC.

"Yes, the media has determined it was a bad week. How dare Harper choose the most qualified cabinet minister for the job regardless of party affiliation - so pragmatic, so focused on getting the job done, so bi-partisan, so......unliberal (recall the Liberal specialty of putting the party ahead of government by rewarding party insiders with posts or contracts for little or no value in return).

Course, if it was Martin in power this would have been a victorious week - another coup for the Liberal team, and a shameful loss for the CPC.

And now for a reality check: go see the National Post. It's poll indicates most people think Harper's doing just fine.

The outrageous media bias continues."

Another good post on"Kinnys Comments"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Harpers decisions now will prove fruitful later

A few oberservations on the reaction to Harper's cabinet choices:

1. The main stream liberal media feel the winds of change blowing hard up their arses and they don't like the feeling one bit.

They can see and feel that Mr. Harper is seizing the moment with bold moves and surprising those who don't like to be outwitted. The new PM is a different breed of leader, he is smarter than any of the Liberal elites that have grown accustomed to basking in the Liberal sun for the past 13 years. Liberal elites of the Globe&Mail and other MSM know it their souls that things are really different now, they can feel it every time they look into Mr. Harper's eyes, hear his voice and look at their colleagues. This PM will have his way, and not one of them can do a darn thing about it.

2. The Emerson and Fortier (E&F) picks will help Mr. Harper win a majority.

A brilliant tactician like Harper realized a trade-off needed to be made:
Endure a few days of heat over 'controversial picks' as the MSM puts it; versus Losing a golden opportunity to sow up 2 key politcal figures who will have a long lasting affects in 2 key areas of the country that they will represent. Harper understands that current circumstances allow him to make moves that otherwise would not be wise to make. These circumstances include the fact that all of the opposition parties are under what I call the 'opposition glass ceiling (ogc)'. The OGC is where the Conservatives have spent a long time and a place where Liberals will have ample time yelling where no-one is listening. Winning government is sweet I say!

Mr. Harper knows all too well what it is like being under the OGC, where what you say really doesn't matter, because no one is paying attention. He knows that now is a time like no other: A time where he can infringe on his boundaries of political capital and not pay a price. What Harper understands is that moves like E&F can be made with little or no long term fallout. Quite the opposite I would say. E&F will prove most beneficial to quell nagging casualities of the eletion (ie. no seats in the major cities).

Bottom Line: E&F is a very good move at the right time. Time will show that these moves were made to win the war, not the battle that no one is paying any attention to.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Prime Minister Stephen Harper - It has a great ring to it!

Mr. Harper becomes Canada's 22nd Prime Minister and it couldn't come soon enough!

The MSM is making a big deal about David Emerson joining the Conservative Cabinet, but as someone who is a keen observer of politics, it was always obvious that Mr. Emerson was never comfortable as a Liberal. Can you imagine, being a high powered former executive coming out of the private sector to then sit with a Liberal government that is plagued in scandal every day. He must have been asking himself, why the f*** did I get myself involved with this bunch of crooks.

The Emerson move solves many nagging issues for the new Tory government, namely: 1.The CPC now has a seat in metro Vancouver, and critics can't say the Tories have no such urban seats. 2. BC is a key battle ground province, and British Columbians can not say they were left out of the halls of power when the next election comes around.

Mr. Harper knows that the Libs et al. are weak, and therefore he can afford to make fairly bold moves early on without much protest. Emerson and Mr. Fortier's appointments are squarely set in motion for the next federal election. They will prove very important moves to solidify support in key urban areas of Vancouver and Montreal.