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Drilling Camp Rockland's Retty Lake Cu-Ni-PGM Property, Labrador Trough, Quebec June 2011

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The maturation of the Canadian public

One of the best editorials of the post-election era, is from Father Raymond De Souza: The Corruption of Paul Martin

This article and this past election showed me that Canadians could sense something truly wrong with the Martin was the deep stench of corruption and lust for power. I feel that even after an election lost, Liberals still haven't learned their lesson.

Here is a terrific quote from De Souza:

"Vulgar corruption asks at what price a man can be bought, or at what price an office can be sold. The more pernicious corruption born of the lust for power acknowledges no price as too great to stay in office. As Martin descended from the noble heir apparent to the unprincipled king, Canadians began to see a man whose corruption was so deep that they lost their trust in him."

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